Supplementary Materials

Artistoo: build, share, and explore simulations of cells and tissues in the web browser

Interactive Simulations

Simulation 1

This explorable explains the algorithm and dynamics behind the Cellular Potts Model.

Simulation 2

This explorable describes a CPM extension that lets cells migrate actively, as depicted in Figure 2b.

Simulation 3

Learn all about the ”Game of Life” simulation from Figure 2c, a classic model by John Conway that is surprisingly interesting despite its simple rules.

Simulation 4

Interactive demo of the ”Cell migration” simulation in Figure 2c (for a full explorable, see Simulation 2).

Simulation 5

In this explorable ("Cell sorting" in Figure 2c), we go back to the classics: the very first CPM that was designed by Graner and Glazier as a model for cell sorting.

Simulation 6

This explorable (”Dividing cells” in Figure 2c) shows what happens when we link the CPM spatial dynamics and cell shapes to other processes, like cell division.

Simulation 7

Interactive simulation of ”collective migration”. This simulation is used in Application S1. It also exemplifies how interactive CPM simulations can be used to tune parameters.


The following applications demonstrate how interactive simulations can be embedded in teaching, research, and science communication.

Application S1: Teaching Material

An example exercise used to for teaching workshops on the CPM for beginning users. Readers are free to use this material in their own education. Open the pdf to view the exercise. This file refers to an online simulation, but the same simulation is included as Interactive Simulation S6.

Application S2: Presentation Slides

An example slideshow containing a live Artistoo simulation. The slides were built using the revealjs framework, which allows users to build slidesets in HTML.

Application S3: Poster website

A website accompanying a conference poster, which can be shared via a QR code on the poster itself.

Application S4: Research examples

Examples of how to use the Node.js version of Artistoo to produce numerical and/or image outputs. Available from our code repository; please refer to the corresponding README in the "applications" folder to see how to use this code.

Source Scripts

The following source scripts are available in our code repository; please refer to the corresponding README to see how to use this code.

Source Script 1

Node version of the ”Game of Life” simulation in Figure 1c. See also Interactive Simulation S3.

Source Script 2

Node version of the ”Cell migration” simulation in Figure 1c. See also Interactive Simulation S2 and S4.

Source Script 3

Node version of the ”Cell sorting” simulation in Figure 1c. See also Interactive Simulation S5.

Source Script 4

Node version of the ”Dividing cells” simulation in Figure 1c. See also Interactive Simulation S6.

Source Script 5

Artistoo node script to run the cell sorting model with a variable grid size; used to generate Figure 1d. See also Interactive Simulation S5.