Cell Migration
How do cells move, and how do they deform along the
way? This explorable contains a Cellular Potts Model (CPM) of cell migration.
It first briefly explains how a relatively simple model allows for cell migration and
realistic cell shapes, and ends with an interactive simulation to illustrate how the
parameters work.
Modelling Cell Motion
The model of cell migration we will examine is a version of a Cellular Potts Model (CPM)
(Graner and Glazier, 1992,Marée, 2007). You can find a
more detailed description of the CPM in another tutorial,
but we'll briefly revisit the basics here.
Cellular Potts Model
Here is an example of a very simple CPM model:
The basic mechanism is as follows:
- Space is represented as a discrete grid of pixels (like those in a blurry image)
- Each pixel belongs to a cell (black) or to the background (gray); we call this
its "identity". These identities can change over time as cells
continuously try to "conquer" pixels from each other
- Such conquests are stochastic but not random: the system tries to minimize
a global energy, defined by the Hamiltonian (an equation defined by
the modeller). Attempted conquests are more likely to succeed when they
are energetically favourable such that:
- This global energy differs per model, but in general it defines the
"physical laws" followed by the cell. A typical contains energy terms that
- Adhesion: Pixels belonging to the same cell try to stick together;
essentially, we put an energetic penalty on every black pixel next to a gray pixel.
As you can see above, this ensures that the black cell stays intact, and
that black pixels are not just
scattered all over the grid.
- Maintaining size and shape: Cells have a target volume and/or perimeter.
They can deviate a little from that value by stretching or compressing, but they
more or less maintain their size and membrane. As you can see above, the cell
fluctuates at its borders but roughly maintains its size and circumference.
These rules yield a cell with dynamic borders that can kind of float around, but there is no
real "active" motion—for that, we'll need to add a new "rule" to the system.
Active Migration in the Act-CPM
As we have seen so far, cells in a basic CPM can move, but do not actively
migrate like a real cell would. We here consider the Act-CPM
(Niculescu, 2015, Wortel, 2020),
an extension of
the CPM that lets cells migrate actively:
Real cells migrate by manipulating their inner "cytoskeleton", which is made of
so-called actin fibers. These actin fibers extend at the front of the cell and push
against the cell membrane (like the wheels pushing against the caterpillar track of a
tank, Elosegui-Artola and Roca-Cusachs, 2017). This force
causes the membrane to "protrude" outward, and eventually allow the
cell to drag itself forward. Importantly, the actin fiber extension process is subject
to positive feedback: once a cell is
polarized and is extending actin on one side, further extensions become more likely
on that side. This lets the cell move and stabilizes its polarity, which then
promotes further actin extension at the front.
On top of the basic CPM rules described above, we now add a positive feedback mechanism.
Put simply: when a cell protrudes, it gains an active pixel, which is then more
likely to protrude again. In more detail:
- If a pixel is newly added to a cell at time , we say that the cell has protruded
to gain that pixel. It then gets a "protrusive activity":
(with a model parameter). The colored pixels in the
simulation above represent "active" pixels;
- Over time, this activity decreases again with a point
per time step (until it hits zero):
This is visible in the color gradient of the pixels in the simulation above;
pixels gradually change from red to green as their activity drops, until they
become black when their activity is completely gone.
Thus, the parameter maxact represents an activity memory.
- Meanwhile, the activity feeds back on cell behavior because we add a term to the global
energy equation:
Here, we consider an attempt of pixel to copy its identity into pixel ,
and we assign an energetic reward if is in a more active local area than .
(This local activity is represented by the geometric mean
of the activities in the
Moore neighborhood of pixel ). The parameter controls
the strength of the energetic reward (or cost).
Try It Yourself
Below, you can explore the model and the effects of its two main parameters:
λact and maxact.
- Set maxact to zero; you should see that the cell becomes black and
stops moving. A zero maxact means that pixels do not remember their
protrusive activity, and thus there is no positive feedback so that
- Reset maxact to a non-zero value and now set λact to zero.
Again, the cell stops moving. It has some colored (active) pixels at its border, but
these activities do not result in an energetic benefit because .
- Set maxact = 20 and λact = 400. The cell should form
small protrusions which can also decay after some time in "stop-and-go" motion.
Protrusions don't extend far into the cell, but there can be multiple, competing
protrusions. The cell isn't very consistent in its direction.
- Keep maxact = 20 the same and increase λact. The cell
should become faster. Protrusions may also become somewhat broader and more stable
(although still not very stable).
- Set maxact = 60 and λact = 100. The larger activity
memory means that the protrusion extends further into the cell; the cell shape also
becomes broader. Protrusion hardly ever die out, and the cell hardly ever turns.
Obstacle Course
The nice thing about the CPM is that interactions between cells and their environment
arise naturally, because pixels can only ever belong to one cell. For example, we can now
explore what happens when the cell's internal protrusion dynamics start interacting
with environmental obstacles:
A very simple encoding of actin-inspired dynamics in the CPM is sufficient to
reproduce active cell migration and realistic cell shapes. Note that shape changes are
not encoded in the model explicitly, but emerge spontaneously from the dynamics of local
positive feedback (from the protrusive activity) and global negative feedback (from the
area/membrane elasticity).