2020-05-01 Example slides


Build, share, and explore interactive simulations of cells and tissues in the web browser

Inge Wortel
Department of Tumor Immunology, Radboudumc, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

The Cellular Potts Model (CPM)

Pixels belong to cells, which
move by copying pixels:

Copy success chance (Pcopy) is higher when it helps the cell:

Stay together:Maintain its size:Maintain its membrane:
$\searrow$ $\downarrow$ $\swarrow$

Migration: Act model

Cells move if we add positive feedback on protrusive activity ($\approx$ actin polymerization)1:

λact$\approx$ protrusive force
maxact$\approx$ polymerized actin lifetime

1Niculescu et al. PLoS Computational Biology, 2015.

See also:
