How adhesion dynamics affect cell motility

The following explorable contains an interactive computational model of cell migration. You can adjust the model parameters using the sliders under "simulation parameters" to explore how adhesion alters motility dynamics.

Model summary

The model is described in detail in the paper, but briefly, it is a cellular Potts model (CPM) based on the following rules:

Try it yourself

You can use the parameter sliders in the dropdown menu below ("simulation parameters") to explore how changing them affects cell motility. Yellow to red colors indicate active pixels with protrusive feedback. Dark patches are adhesions, and the blue line shows the trajectory of the cell's center of mass over time.

Simulation parameters

Simulation controls
The random seed only takes effect when you reset (  ). The same parameters + random seed should yield the exact same output every time. If you tick "record track", then the cell's center of mass will be tracked in the 'outputs' menu below.

Seed:            Visualize track: draw every MCS, remember MCS.

Simulation powered by Artistoo.

Outputs (Data from the simulation, only when 'record track' is ticked above)

Suggestions of things to try:

See also

This simulation implements the model from the paper:

Steijn et al (2021). Computational Modelling of Cell Motility Modes Emerging from Cell-Matrix Adhesion Dynamics. bioRxiv.
Note: As of January 2022 in press at PLOS Computational Biology; this link will be updated upon publication.

This model builds on the Act-CPM, which was first published in:

Niculescu et al (2015). Crawling and Gliding: A Computational Model for Shape-Driven Cell Migration. PLoS Computational Biology.

and later further characterised in:

Wortel et al (2021). Local Actin Dynamics Couple Speed and Persistence in a Cellular Potts Model of Cell Migration. Biophysical Journal.

If you are new to the (Act-)CPM, you can explore how they work in the following interactive simulations:

Explorable: Introduction to the CPM

Explorable: Act-model

All these interactive simulations were made using Artistoo, which you can read more about here:

Wortel and Textor (2021). Artistoo, a Library to Build, Share, and Explore Simulations of Cells and Tissues in the Web Browser. eLife.